Globally connecting students with quality affordable higher education
Dr. Rosa H. Smith
Master in Christian Counseling & Psychology Minor in Clinical Mental Health Coun. Thanks HBIU, am currently working at Hartford Health Care
Dr. B. Evans
Graduate with my Master and Ph.d in Theology, Master in Christian Counseling & psychology, Minor in Clinical Mental Health . Thanks HBIU I am now a warden at Virginia State Prison and I have been accepted in Regins Law School
Riley Cunningham
Bachelor in Marketing, Minor in Christian leadership. Thanks to HBIU I have been accepted into CBD College to join the Diagnostic Medical Sonography study, so thankful
Moses J. Muwanguzi
I am from Uganda and have study with HBIU and completed my Master"s in Christian Counseling & Psychology, with a Minor in Clinical Mental Health Coun.
I have been accepted to take the state exam (NCE) to become a license Menth Health Coun.
Over 10,000 GRADUATES
Providing a transformative learning environment for students that emphasizes deep subject knowledge, problem-solving, leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills, as well as individual health and well-being. Rooted in strong faith-based principles, we empower others to achieve their goals through quality, affordable education. It is our mission to provide a learning environment that integrates a faith-based worldview into our studies, enabling a broader scope of opportunity for our graduates.